Monday 30 June 2014

Heyy bby

I have done absolutely nothing today. What should i call my game though? Super Vet Helper Dragger Person Across the Street Game? Also i might add a little secret in my game because im gonna add a chicken and you have to drag it across the street and its gonna be like the "why did the chicken cross the road joke LOLOLOLOLOL

Wednesday 25 June 2014

What to do

I have no idea what to do for my blog now. I'm all out of ideas. ;(

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Bullcrap horoscops

OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICA cant you see the illuminati is trying to control our brains through the vullshit excuse of horoscopes unless you are a braindead retard DONT BELIEVE IT.
and in other news i added the horscope gadget to my blog. Check your horoscope now FOR FREE! what a deal. brought to you by tacobell.


lol doing inglish issay im in da top clss i got an A im so smart!!
mfw top class boy


i hope i don't lose touch with reality because of my famouseness.


Soon we will reach 300 views!!!!
I would like to do a shoutout to all my friends like: my mum and ummmmm my dad and ummmmmm... well thats about it.
Im really happy to see how my blog has progressed over the last few minutes:
AFTER 300:

Hey ow gee

Sup bro im in mi class an im not evin doin mah work ow, iym such a rebel aye bro?
This picture is so relevant to Hayden.

Researching games

So io was surfing the intranet and i stumbled across this gem of a game:
It has an amazing story line and graphics to match Battlefield 4 it also gave me the ability to read minds for 3 minutes! How amazing. It really changed my life as i now am a celebrity superstar! I now don't have to work! Check it out guys.

Monday 23 June 2014


Hey guys
Just poppin in to say hi
Ok bye for now
I'll be back

class over

Here is the death animation for my game.


So my phone went from 100% charge to 64% in 2 hours. Damn aliens sapping my phone battery.

Idea on Game

So as I said i have to make a game, so heres one of my ideas:
The theme is that there is a little girl who goes exploring and she has a magic map and a monkey who wears boots!! LOL and the the monkey can talk. the girl is also severely retarded but anyway the girls name is "Daro" and the monkeys name is "Nigger Mcmuffins" and they go to magical places.
here is a screenshot so far.
Love you guys its good to be home :)


I love you guys to much to ever let you go. I have changed the root cause of my issues and that was my background of harry off one direction cupping his nipples.
Its good to be back.

Friday 20 June 2014


So I have to shutdown my blog. I wish I could keep it open but my popularity has grown to large and I feel as if I have lost touch with the people. Goodbye, I will miss all 5 of my faithful viewers.
Skeet skeet.

Thursday 19 June 2014


あなただけのクソあなたは少し雌犬、私について何性交を言った。私はあなたが私の名前はジョン知っている必要がありますし、私はぬれた猫のにおい5:30シャープ今朝目が覚めた。私は他の私の18と3 \ 8インチディックで途中窒息しながら1は彼女の口の中で私のでかい3ポンドのボールに合うようにしようとしていた、2愚痴(たわごとSOが現金だった)からフェラチオを得ていた。彼女は痙攣し、同時に6オーガズムを抱えていた、ハード噴出し始めた。私は彼らにそれを与え、彼らは厄介な噴水のように潮吹き階にいた。精子のクォートと圧縮空気について来たに違いない。あなたの最高のオーガズムを想像し、それから35を掛ける。私は私が私の係員に私の14階の兵舎からフロントフリップし(私はコネクションズを得た)2012年のフェラーリを駐車ベースキャンプに行かなければならなかった。約4 hundo(MPHは、あなたの心)に私のたわごとをプッシュして、私は時間がないのベースキャンプにいた。私が入ったとき、私はトップ狙撃なり、海兵隊全体のアーセナルへのアクセスを許可された。私は700以上の様々な方法で人を殺すために方法を学びましたし、ゴリラ戦の戦術を使用して300テロリストを殺すチームのリーダーとなることを割り当てられていた。また、6000腕立て伏せ、8000腹筋や16分でベンチプレスを30枚でした。基本的なトレーニングの後、私は金が寿司と15,000 $シャンパンメッキ食べながら、私はあなたのIPアドレスを追跡するのに役立ちます秘密のスパイのネットワークに会った。私のユニットは、休みの日の残りの部分を持って、私は我々のベースのフットボールチームとバスケットボールチームのスターターのキャプテンとなった。私は軍の入学試験にストレートのを持って、より多くの賞を受賞しました。一方、あなたは、Facebookや裸の描かれた日本人の絵にオフジャッキた。私の兵舎に戻っランボにはいった、今私は眠りに行く準備ができて取得しています。明日ネイビーシールズに私のクラスの最上部に卒業しようと思って、私はかなり完璧なことを探したい。見知らぬ人も、あなたはあなたの全体の生活するより、私は1日でより多くをした、覚えていない。

My brainstorm

If my brain blew up and was made into a storm it would look like this:
Nah im joking guys loooooooolldsbhfjuoyasgkegasKJ.
Here is my brainstorm. I made it in Inspiration 9.0 IE. This is my brainstorm. There are many like it but this on is mine. My brainstorm is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My brainstorm, without me, is useless. Without my brainstorm, I am useless. I must fire my brainstorm true. I must storm straighter than my enemy who is trying to brain me. I must brain him before he storms me. I will...
My brainstorm and I know that what counts in ITS is not the rounds we think, the noise of our thoughts, nor the smoke we make in the C block toilets. We know that it is the thinking that count. We will brainstorm....
My brainstorm is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its brains and its storms. I will keep my brainstorm clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, I swear this creed. My brainstorm and I are the defenders of my Grades. We are the masters of our Ideas. We are the saviors of ITS.
So be it, until Excellence is mine and there is no Non Achieved, but Merits!!

New post

So guys im back, know you missed me. i was skydiving in the mountain ranges of Kilimanjaro. It then exploded and i had to rescue all the africans, but im alright. So now i can go back to work on my program and planning tools. Today i will be  playing around. nah jk i will work maybe.
I also met goerge clooney and sandra bullock. nice people.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

It aint so bad

So after sinking myself into the lowest depths of ganttproject i emerged and found myself to be a man. Ganttproject aint so bad after all.\


Different languages racist?

So in creating my game i have decided to put multiple languages. This may be difficult i will overcome. I think i may put in Chinese, Maori, English and  African. What i am afraid of though is Google translate stuffing me over as, even though its great, it sucks at translating. I do know a few Maori, Chinese and African people though so that will help a lot. I'm not sure about doing English though, i don't know any English speaking people.
What i am doing today:
Today as i look out the window i wonder... what shall i do today to work on my project. I glance at my timetable. Its guiding embrace washes over me and covers me in a warm feeling. It whispers in my ear " use GanttProject". I spit out rage and fury. "I HATE GANTTPROJECT" but i know in my heart of hearts i must.

Monday 16 June 2014

Can we upload .gifs to blogger?

Gantt Project Version 1 Picture

So here is my first GanttProject plan. I know it looks pretty sexy.
If this is your first time you're probably wondering what the F@^K is going on. Well basically its magic.


Why will no one comment on my posts i am so lonely, plz respond

Sunday 15 June 2014

Contemplating life

So recently my teacher asked me "why are you using blogger? Arent there many other websites you could use out there?" And it really hit me. Why am i using this?

gantt project

So I found out ganttproject sucks. Why is my teacher shoving this program down my throat. Fuck you sir.
How do i use it? its so comlpicated.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Learning to use ganttproject

Ummm, so im learning to use ganntproject to have a little timeline to keep my ideas together. my teacher said that a German guy called Gantt made it. He also said not to quote him on that.
Kiss, kiss

Hey guys and girls

i would like to extend a greeting to all you amazing, beautiful people who are here to view my blog. i love you all and you are all my family.
Kind regards
Love you