Thursday 19 June 2014

My brainstorm

If my brain blew up and was made into a storm it would look like this:
Nah im joking guys loooooooolldsbhfjuoyasgkegasKJ.
Here is my brainstorm. I made it in Inspiration 9.0 IE. This is my brainstorm. There are many like it but this on is mine. My brainstorm is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My brainstorm, without me, is useless. Without my brainstorm, I am useless. I must fire my brainstorm true. I must storm straighter than my enemy who is trying to brain me. I must brain him before he storms me. I will...
My brainstorm and I know that what counts in ITS is not the rounds we think, the noise of our thoughts, nor the smoke we make in the C block toilets. We know that it is the thinking that count. We will brainstorm....
My brainstorm is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its brains and its storms. I will keep my brainstorm clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, I swear this creed. My brainstorm and I are the defenders of my Grades. We are the masters of our Ideas. We are the saviors of ITS.
So be it, until Excellence is mine and there is no Non Achieved, but Merits!!

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